Finally, finally. After so much planning, organization and work my website is ready. I look forward to seeing you here on my website where you can find all the time information about my service, tools and techniques that I use, my profession and my cases. You can find curiosity about about my life, happenings in the world, celebrities’ lives and about the deeper meaning of life. Topics also can be films that I have seen or books that I have read.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. Whatever happens, we can learn from everything and become better visions of ourself.
We can have many problems in many fields of our lives. Such as physical symptoms and pain, emotional disorders, relationship problems, family issues, lack of confidence, negative beliefs, feelings or thoughts, negative effects from childhood, past traumas and negative experiences, lack of creativity and self-love. Just to mention some well-known problematic areas.
After revealing your potentials, you will get to know your TRUE YOURSELF, the behaviour of your family and the people around you. You will understand why things happened to you and you can learn to manage them. We will make the puzzles of your life together. I will support you driving changes in your life and live the life you have always wanted.
My aim is to give you an individual, personal, alternative and holistic support that serves your highest good.
I offer counseling sessions in person in Dunakeszi, Hungary or via video calls such as Zoom.
I’m really look forward to meeting you.
Orsi Komáromi – infokomaromi@gmail.com