Learn the secrets of your soul through your drawing.
„A picture is worth a thousand words” – Drawing 7 symbols you can learn many things about yourself, your relationship with your family members and people around you, how you relate to different areas of your life or whether you have other problems that you may haven’t known before.
The 7 symbols you will draw: a house, a sun, a road, a tree, a fence, a knife and a snake. You don’t need to have drawing skills, anyone can draw these symbols.
Your drawing can reveal:
the message of your soul – emotional blocks and bruises
your self-image, your self-confidence
how ambitious you are
how you relate to your life and sexuality
your relationship with your family and people around you
whether you have physical problems or illness.
Drawing analysis is a great way to get to know yourself even better.
Sevice neithert applies to psychotherapy practice or a therapeutic counseling that requires qualification of health care profession, nor applies to medical, healing or naturopathic activity.
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